April Workshop

Songwriters & Friends,

This Thursday, the 19th will be our April Workshop.  We'll meet at The Pizza Shoppe, 13161 S. Memorial, 6:30PM to 9:00PM.  Our workshop will be different to accommodate the "Ole Chapter Challenge".  After introductions and announcements we will go straight to reviewing songs entered in the Challenge.  If you'll be presenting a song please bring 15 lyric sheet copies so everyone can follow along easily.  As this is a contest and your song will be only played once, lyrics will give you a better chance for victory in the voting.  You can present your song by CD, MP3, flash drive, or cell phone.  

To be eligible to enter a song or vote, you must be a current member of NSAI.  You can demonstrate eligibility by presenting your NSAI Members Card, or displaying your membership account on the NSAI website via your cell phone or mobile device.  To participate you must be present and your song registered before the contest begins.  We estimate that to be about 6:50PM.  Details and rules are displayed at the bottom of this message.

If we have additional time after the Challenge is completed we will return to our normal song feedback format.  You can use the song you entered in the Challenge or another song you want feedback on.  Please bring lyric sheets if a different song than the Challenge entry.  We will do this in order of the Challenge registry until we run out or time.

Non members are always welcome.  As a visitor you may attend two Workshops as you evaluate joining NSAI.  After two visits, you are still welcome but will be charged a $15.00 cash entry fee at the door.  Look forward to seeing you on Thursday and good luck in the Challenge!

Larry Justice 




  • You must be an NSAI Member (non-expired) to play a song
  • Songs must be played as a recording (no live performances) 
  • You must be an NSAI Member to vote on the song submissions
  • Members can vote even if they don't have a song submitted for voting
  • Coordinators songs will not be in consideration during the voting rounds at the chapter meetings to maintain impartiality. 
  • Coordinators can't be co-writers on the chapter member submissions to avoid any bias.
  • Based on the volume of submissions - coordinators reserve the right to limit song listening session to 1st verse and chorus if necessary 
- Private group -