January 2021 Exercises

Exercise 1:
Fueling Your Inspiration
This exercise is all about inspiration, but not necessarily to inspire your songwriting. In this exercise, makes a list of what and who inspires you. Write down 10-20 things that inspire you and why they inspire you. Remembering what motivates you can make a huge impact on achieving your goals.
Exercise 2:
Creative Writing
Choose from one of these prompts, and set a time for 10 minutes. Write in the direction the prompt takes you. Sometimes it not necessarily about writing the song right out of the gate, it is about developing the story.
1. Write about a conversation you overheard.
2. Write about not being able to see ahead of you.
3. What scares you a little? What do you feel when scared? How do you react?
4. Sit outside for about an hour. Write down the sounds you hear.
5. Write about a phone call you recently received.
Exercise 3:
Do Your Homework
Research your favorite songs and see how the songwriters came up with the idea for their melody. When we listen to who inspires us, sometimes we gain new ideas from their former creations. Having similar habits will show up in your own music.