February 2020 Exercises


Where did your best song idea come from? Did the hook come up in a conversation with a friend? Did you see the perfect end of a line on a billboard? This month's theme is "The Idea" of a song and how it is manufactured. Here are some exercises to find new ideas for your next writing session.


1. Go on a magazine/book search. Flip through the pages (even the ads) to see if you find a setting or string of words that jumps out at you. Jot down all the titles and hooks you can find in said magazine/book and circle back at the end to pick out your favorites.


2. Go for a walk just to people-watch! Visit a park, a shopping mall or restaurant by yourself to watch the people around you and their interactions with one another. Write down phrases you hear in passing, settings you come across and your thought process as you witness them.


3. Everyday, write down three things that happened that day. Try to sum it up with one word each. At the end of the week, pick one word from each day to incorporate into a song. Even if it’s not a hit, this will stretch your writing muscle and force you out of your comfort zone!


4. Keep a notebook that is ONLY used for ideas. No song mapping, drawings, grocery lists, etc. Use this idea book when you have tons of voice notes and song ideas taking up space on your phone so you can have everything compiled in one place. This will keep your next cowrite session from having the awkward, "Sooooooo, I have nothing…" situation from happening!


What are some of your best exercises for finding new ideas? Reach out to us on our Instagram, Facebook or Twitter at @nsaiofficial and @nsaimemberrep so we can hear from you!