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REGULAR CHAPTER MONTHLY ZOOM MEETNGS are on the 2nd Monday of each month from 6:30-8:30pm (CST)
SONGWRITER HANGOUTS are on the 1st Monday of each month for local and nearby Central TX members. This is an additional monthly networking opportunity to meet, share and brainstorm with each other about what's going on and get to know other songwriters. Topics covered often include new and helpful ideas related to our personal experiences and skills in songwriting, production, live performance and other aspects of the music business. HangOuts are held at Billy's Grille & Bar - 100 South Main Street, in downtown Bryan, TX from 6:30-8:30pm (CST) Visitors are Welcome!
Time: 6:30 pm CST
End Time: 8:30 pm CST
Type: Virtual
Time: 6:30 pm CST
End Time: 8:30 pm CST
Type: Virtual
Time: 6:30 pm CST
End Time: 8:30 pm CST
Type: Virtual
Time: 6:30 pm CST
End Time: 8:30 pm CST
Type: Virtual
Time: 6:30 pm CST
End Time: 8:30 pm CST
Type: Virtual
Time: 6:30 pm CST
End Time: 8:30 pm CST
Type: Virtual
Public Voting Currently Underway to Crown The NSAI SoundCloud Standout Award – Voting Ends February 7 at 12 Noon ET
December 2024 Songs Recognized as Ones To Watch
Congratulations to the songwriters below who had songs recognized as Ones To Watch!