Nsai chapter
Columbia, MO

Columbia, MO Chapter

Meetings consist of reviewing a lesson on the craft of songwriting or a music business-related subject. We then host a feedback session where participants share a song with the group. Members should bring a song to share and lyric sheets for the group.



T.C. Elliott
Aimee McGoveran

Upcoming Events

Chapter Events

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NSAI Events

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Chapter News

July 12th August 9th September 13th –in person October 11th November 8th December 13th—in person In person meetings will be held at Unity Church, 1600 W Broadway, and the rest of our 2023 meetings will be on Zoom!


Public Voting Currently Underway to Crown The NSAI SoundCloud Standout Award – Voting Ends February 7 at 12 Noon ET

December 2024 Songs Recognized as Ones To Watch

Congratulations to the songwriters below who had songs recognized as Ones To Watch! 

38.9578722, -92.3264079