Nsai chapter
South Florida, FL
Second Wednesday of every month on ZOOM, 7:30 pm

South Florida, FL Chapter

Meetings consist of reviewing a lesson on the craft of songwriting or a music business related subject. We then host a feedback session where participants share a song with the group. Members should bring a song to share and lyric sheets for the group.


Janet Goodman
Grant Livingston

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Chapter News

The South Florida Chapter usually sets Zoom meetings on the second Wednesday of each month from 7:30 pm to 10:30 pm. Periodically we have an in-person meet at Luna Star Cafe in North Miami. We schedule meetings only a month in advance.

Grammy-nominated Shelly Peiken charmed a packed crowd at Luna Star Cafe last night. Her WLRN radio interview with Michael Stock brought her many new fans and new songwriters to our NSAI South Florida group. Good thing she traveled with a boat load of her acclaimed book, "Confessions of a Serial Songwriter." She nearly sold out!


Public Voting Currently Underway to Crown The NSAI SoundCloud Standout Award – Voting Ends February 7 at 12 Noon ET

December 2024 Songs Recognized as Ones To Watch

Congratulations to the songwriters below who had songs recognized as Ones To Watch! 

25.8900949, -80.1867138