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- NSAI Song Contest
Meetings consist of reviewing a lesson on the craft of songwriting or a music business-related subject followed by a song feedback session in which participants can share a song with the group for feedback. (Works in process are encouraged!)
Due to legal considerations, NSAI requires your signed consent any time NSAI hears your song for feedback in any form or venue. Even if you plan to attend in-person, you MUST upload your song and lyrics via the dedicated song submission form to the NSAI website. Please upload an mp3 and a pdf copy of the song you'd like feedback on no later than 5 pm on the day of the meeting here:
PS: As the transition to the new website continues, if you have any difficulty, please EMAIL your mp3 and pdf lyrics to: [email protected]
Since in-person attendance has been sporadic since we returned from the pandemic, we are discontinuing hybrid meetings and will resume our four in-person meetings later this year, likely for the summer. To attend VIRTUALLY, login to the South Jersey, NJ Chapter Monthly Meeting via Zoom using the link below:
Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84273869188?pwd=ZDBSQ1dsUklWVVg4UWZuS1czVVJ6Zz09
Time: 7:30 pm EST
End Time: 9:45 pm EST
Type: Virtual
February 11 - Virtual
March 11 - Virtual
April 8 - Virtual
May 13*
June 10*
July 8*
August 12*
September 9*
October 14*
November 11*
December 9* (HOLIDAY PARTY)
In-person will be held at the Otto Bryuns Library, 241 W Mill Rd, Northfield, NJ 08225.
Hybrid and Virtual meetings will be held on zoom.
“Only A House”
American Songwriter Contest, Honorable Mention
Lyric Only Contest
“Country Soul”
John Lennon Songwriting Contest, Finalist
Country category
Public Voting Currently Underway to Crown The NSAI SoundCloud Standout Award – Voting Ends February 7 at 12 Noon ET
December 2024 Songs Recognized as Ones To Watch
Congratulations to the songwriters below who had songs recognized as Ones To Watch!