September 2019 Exercises

Americana and Independent (Indie) music are the genres of music getting a LOT of headway in Nashville and all over the country these days. Independent artists and songwriters have more work cut out for them as they do not often have the financial backing of a publishing companies or record labels. This can be tough, but often VERY rewarding. Independent artists and songwriters make their own rules and often have more out-of-the-box opportunities to showcase their work. If you are an indie artist or songwriters or if you write in the Americana/Folk realm, here are some exercises for you:

1.       Beef up your social media with relevant content. Indie artists are creating their own lane which means they need to have content that reflects that. Going out to write? Document it on your stories. See something inspirational on a street sign? Document it. The more real your social media activity seems, the more REAL fans you will acquire.

2.       Connect with other independent/Americana artists. Find your camp and support them. The support will flow both ways. Shoutout bands and artists you are excited about, even if you haven't met them yet. These will often be incredible connections in the future. 

3.       Go EVERYWHERE! Have you ever heard that "Half the battle is showing up"? It is so true in the music industry. Join community groups online and follow free events happening in your town. Opportunities are abundant where the industry is. You will never regret showing up for something that jumpstarts your career.

4.       Look for relevant groups to be part of by way of social media or coffee shop bulletin boards. Joining groups with like-minded people keep you focused on the goals at hand and gives you a creative community to bounce ideas off of. There is nothing like support that comes from your fellow-genre artists and songwriters.

5.       Keep listening to ALL music. You have the most freedom of any genre to make your music what YOU want it to be. Listen to music in every genre to pull from in idea sessions. Crossover genres are some of the most powerful and successful realms of music out there right now. Capitalize on it and make yourself stand out by pulling ideas from various genres.