On-line NSAI Regional workshop with Kim McLean Nov. 1, 2 & 8

Don't miss this month's on-line NSAI Regional Event!


Join us for an Online Regional Workshop featuring hit songwriter, author, speaker, educator, and phenomenal human Kim McLean! Kim will provide an online crash course on creative connection - highlighting the most impactful and helpful ways to broaden your audience, strengthen your partnerships, and grow your craft as a songwriter.

This opportunity is for NSAI Members Only, and you must be affiliated with a Local Chapter to participate. (If you are not affiliated with a chapter yet, click here to learn more) https://www.nashvillesongwriters.com/chapter-search

This event will be held; November 1, 2 & 8
(The same workshop will be presented on all three of these dates.) Choose the one that works best for you!

To register for this event click here https://www.nashvillesongwriters.com/creative-connection-kim-mclean

*At the bottom of the registration page you will have three dates to choose from.