June 26 Meeting - 7:30pm EST via Zoom

Hey folks!

Here is the RSVP and song submission link for our virtual meeting on 6/26 at 7:30pm EST: https://forms.gle/Lr42GhsyzHeRJeyC8

We hope to see you there and hear what you are working on! If you are new and joining us for the first time, feel free to jump in and submit a song or just sit back and listen! :)

Also, we now have our very own Greenville NSAI email address! You should have received this message twice (once from Lindsay, and once from the new email address). My emails often go into spam, so hopefully these don't, but just incase, teach your email that both accounts are in fact not spam or junk. ;) The new email address is greenvillensai@gmail.com.

If you have not done so already, please fill out this form by June 25th if you are interested in playing at Carolina Bauernhaus on July 9th.


Trey and I will need some time to assemble a set list order for the afternoon, so please do so ASAP!
ALSO: If you have filled out the form but have not attended a chapter meeting and/or are not a member of NSAI, please send me an email! I'd love to get you connected to participate!

That's all the news for now. See you Monday!